Financial Management MBA Specialization Overview

Our specialization in Financial Management provides a global perspective to financial markets, risk and return. Students experience real world capital budgeting exercises, valuation of domestic and foreign securities, corporate financial management, foreign currency valuation, and currency risk hedging. Special emphasis is placed on corporate financial management, emerging financial markets and global financial management. Students learn how transition economies join the wave of globalization through liberalization of financial markets, deregulation of industries, and relaxation of policies governing foreign direct investment.

MBA students in class

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on how many credits you choose to take per semester, you may either finish the program in 1 year, 18 months, 2 years, or 3 years.

The cost per course in the MBA program is $3,030 or $1,010 per credit hour. The total number of courses depends on your knowledge and experience. There are financing options available through the Financial Aid Office.

Yes, the Master of Business Administration program is accredited by both the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), providing strong evidence of the quality of our programs and our commitment to a student-centered teaching and learning approach.

You must have an undergraduate degree and some of the specialization courses have prerequisites.

The Blackboard Learning Management System is used for all courses. It includes videos, syllabi, assignments, communication options and a multitude of tools to help you be successful.

Contact Information

Chris Schwan
Assistant Director of MBA Recruitment
Admissions Representative for the College of Business & Economics